Voices from Ukraine Film Series: Winter on Fire

Join us in the Auditorium for a screening of Winter on Fire (2014), the third in a 4-film screening and discussion series presented by Voices from Ukraine and hosted by Fletcher Free Library and South Burlington Public Library. Stay after each movie to join in the discussion and enjoy traditional Ukrainian cookies. Winter on Fire will be shown at South Burlington Public Library.
This documentary is a visceral, in-depth look at the 2013-2014 student-led protest in Ukraine promoting European integration. This protest grew into a revolution calling for President Viktor F. Yanukovich’s resignation. Winter on Fire at the bloody Ukrainian uprising in 2013-14 that led to the overthrow of President Yanukovych. Filmmaker Evgeny Afineevsky makes the complicated politics approachable with vibrant characters, brisk pacing and well-deployed graphics. He uses multiple footage sources to tell an epic story of a people’s movement.
A discussion will follow the film facilitated by Katherine Stamper. Katherine was a 2022-2023 Fellow in the Engaging Eurasia Teaching Fellowship Program at Harvard University. She studied in the former Soviet Bloc in the 1980s and frequently travels to that region to gather stories and write. She recently volunteered with Ukrainian refugees in Krakow, Poland. She lives, writes and teaches in Burlington.
The four films in this series are:
Earth, by Aleksandr Dovzhenko (1930), 78 minutes
Saturday, February 3, 2024, 2:00 p.m.
Showing at: Fletcher Free Library, 235 College St., Burlington, VT 05401
Mr. Jones (2019) by Agnieszka Holland, 118 minutes (Ages 14+)
Saturday, February 10, 2024, 12:00 p.m.
Showing at: South Burlington Public Library, 180 Market St., South. Burlington, VT (Auditorium)
Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom (The Maidan Uprising in Kyiv) (2014)
102 minutes (Ages 14+)
Saturday, February 17, 2024, 12:00 p.m.
Showing at: South Burlington Public Library, 180 Market St., South Burlington, VT (Auditorium)
20 Days in Mariupol (2022), 94 Minutes (Ages 14+)
Saturday, February 24, 2024, 12:00 p.m.
Showing at: Fletcher Free Library, 235 College Street, Burlington, Vermont
Voices from Ukraine VT (VFU-VT) is a volunteer-led collaboration among Vermonters and Ukrainians overseas to introduce community members to the art, images, stories, culture, and food of Ukraine. Thank you to the following individuals and organizations: Engineering Ventures, Sherrill Musty, Kim Rainbolt, Lori Davis & Art Rovner, Kate & Bill Schubart, film facilitators and anonymous donors. Thank you also to the Fletcher Free Library, the South Burlington Library and the Kingdom School & Cultural Center in Krakow, Poland.
Email sbplprograms@southburlingtonvt.gov or call 802-846-4140 if you have questions or would like to be added to the email list for this group.