Library Cards & Borrowing
Library Cards
Any legal resident of South Burlington over the age of five may obtain a resident library card with identification that clearly shows name and current legal address. Any South Burlington resident in good standing may use this library card at any of the other local libraries that are part of the Homecard Library System.
Non-residents (outside of the Homecard system) may purchase cards valid to check out physical items at the South Burlington Public Library for a fee of $25 per year. Anyone residing in South Burlington on a temporary basis of up to six months, may purchase a card for $10 valid for that time. Sign up for a library card during open hours.
Setting Up Your Account
Each library patron can view their own checkouts and also reserve and renew items by logging into their account. The first time using the Catalog, log in with your library barcode number and userpass as a temporary password. You will then be prompted to change to your own personal password.
For help, visit our FAQ page How Do I? or watch our video tutorial. You may also call the Library at 802-846-4140 to renew.
Lending Policies
Most materials may be checked out for 3 weeks and may be renewed up to 3 times provided no one is waiting for the item. Patrons can renew in person, by calling the Library, or online. There are no renewals on most Library of Things items.
Passes are checked out for one day only. There is a $5 late fee per day if not returned by due date and a $50 replacement fee if not returned.
You can request an item directly from our Library Catalog. Once you are logged into your account, click the Place Hold button for the item you would like. You will receive an email notice when that item is ready for you and the Library will hold it for four days. Requests are pulled at 8am and early afternoon each day.
InterLibrary Loan
- Interlibrary loan services are for South Burlington residents only, with current library cards.
- Loans from other libraries typically take 1-2 weeks to receive but can sometimes take 2 to 4 weeks for hard to find or popular items.
- There is a maximum of 3 active requests per patron at a time.
- Patrons must be in “good standing” to request items through ILL (i.e. not restricted, no overdue items).
- Materials must be in publication for at least 6 months before requesting from another library.
- Audio/visual materials: patrons may borrow books or music on CD, and DVDs.
- Patrons may request books, journal articles, and audiobooks through ILL.
- Renewal requests should be made 5 days before an ILL item is due; it is up to the owning library to grant a renewal for an item.
Interlibrary loan requests can be made in person at the Library or over the phone at 802-846-4140.
Interlibrary loan is made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Vermont State Library.
Freedom to Read
Intellectual freedom is the right of library users to read, seek information, and speak freely as guaranteed by the First Amendment. Intellectual freedom is one of the core values of the library profession and a basic right in our democratic society; it promotes access to information and guides the defense against censorship. Please note the Library’s Privacy Policy.
We are currently updating our patron records to comply with Act 150 (S.220), An Act Related to Vermont’s Public Libraries, which went into effect on July 1, 2024
One change expands the confidentiality of public library records to minors aged 12 and older (previously the age was 16). Please read more about this change here, have a conversation with your minor, and let us know if you have questions.