
(Absent are Kathryn Plageman and Micah Allen.) December 2023

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Jennifer Murray
Library Director
Sue Meyer
Interim Circulation Librarian
Logan Selkirk
Circulation Assistant
Mae Stokes
Circulation Assistant
Julie Frappier
Cataloging Specialist
Mira Geffner
Adult Services Librarian
Almy Landauer
Adult Services Specialist
Amanda Brown
Teen Specialist
Julia Wagner
Adult/Teen Assistant
Mike Maloney
Digital Specialist
Kelly Kendall
Children's Librarian
Natacha Liuzzi
Children's Specialist
Valerie Keller
Children's Programming Assistant
Micah Allen
David Mackey
Lois Price
Library Substitute
Charleen Rotax
Library Substitute
Barb Smith
Library Substitute
Susan Wargo
Library Substitute
Che Sherpa
Library Substitute
Julie Singleton
Library Substitute