


The South Burlington Public Library is a safe place for teens, young adults, and new adults. We're here to help.

Looking for guidance on tough topics? Check out some of these websites below or use the associated call numbers to find a book on that topic in the library.



Library Book Call Numbers for Tough Topics

To find books on the topics listed below, search the subject or call number in our catalog. At the library, look for the Call Number in our Non-Fiction section on the 2nd floor of the library. You can always ask a librarian to help you find a book.

Subject Call Number


Body Image 306.4 
Breakups 155.5, 306.7 
Consent 176.4, 306.7 
Eating Disorders 616.85 
Grief 155.9
LGBTQ+ 306.76
Mental Illness 616.8
Pregnancy PAR PREG (Found in Children's Section)


Sex 306.7, 613.9
Sexual Health 613.04
Suicide 362.2
Self-Harm 616.85
Substance Abuse 613.8, 616.86


Citation Guides

**Not sure which citation style to use?  If you're citing papers in a class, ask your teacher first!

Purdue Owl's APA Citation Guide

Stands for "American Psychological Association."  Commonly used for academic papers in the Social Sciences. The most current edition in 2022 is the 9th edition.

Purdue Owl's MLA Citation Guide

Stands for "Modern Language Association."  Commonly used for academic papers in the Humanities. The most current edition in 2022 is the 7th edition.

Purdue Owl's Chicago Style Citation Guide

Commonly used for academic papers in Business, History, and Fine Arts.  Uses footnotes for references.  Sometimes referred to as "CMOS" or "Turabian" style.  The most current edition in 2022 is the 17th edition.

College Selection and Financial Aid

College Navigator
Helps to find the right college for you.

Federal Student Aid
From the Department of Education, this site assists with finding and repaying loans.

Online Learning
Access free online learning resources through your library!

The Vermont Student Assistance Corporation is a public nonprofit agency which advocates for students and their families to ensure that they have the information, counseling and financial aid to achieve their education goals.

Dating and Relationships

HOPE Works
Provides advocacy, counseling, and support for those experiencing sexual violence.

Love is Respect
Information and advocacy for young people who have questions or concerns about their dating relationships.

STEPS TO END Domestic violence
Confidential hotline, emergency shelter & transitional housing, legal assistance and advocacy, children's services, and more.


AAA Guide to Teen Driving Safety
Information and resources for learning how to be safe on the roads.

Vermont Teen Drivers
All the information you will need to get your driver's license in Vermont.

Drugs and Alcohol

Substance abuse and mental health day treatment for youth. Assists in substance and mental health assessments and treatments. Call 802-488-7711, visit at 1025 Airport Dr., S. Burlington, VT, or follow the link above.

KidsHealth Drugs & Alcohol
Quick basic information about drugs, alcohol, and what to do when you or someone you know needs help.

NIDA for Teens
National Institute on Drug Abuse for Teens.

Teen Smoke Free
Tools and tips on how to stop using tobacco.

Food Security

South Burlington Food Shelf
Open Thursday 4:30p-6:30p, Friday & Saturday 8:00a-10:00a. Located at 356 Dorset St.

VT Foodbank
Food distribution program.  Call 800-585-2265 or visit link above for more information.


Girls’ Health
Info on health and well-being for girls.

Go Ask Alice
A team of Columbia University health specialists answer health questions.

I Wanna Know
Sexual health info for teens and young adults.

Medline Plus Teens’ Page
Health tips and info for teens.

Sex, Etc
Sexuality education by teens for teens.

Spectrum One Stop
Primary care, counseling, case management, and drop-in center for children and youth up to age 21.  Visit 177 Pearl St., Burlington, VT, call 802-864-7423, or follow the link above.


Northeastern Family Institute of VT
Crisis stabilization, residential care, and therapeutic foster care for youth.  Referrals are recommended.  Call at 802-658-0040 or follow the link above for more information.

Spectrum Vermont
A local Vermont organization serving youth ages twelve to twenty-six.

Internet Safety and Digital Literacy

Connect Safely
Tips for digital literacy and safety.


Gay-Straight Alliance Network

Genders & Sexualities Alliances are student-run organizations that unite LGBTQ+ and allied youth.  They build supportive communities and organize around issues impacting LGBTQ+ youth in schools and communities.

Outright Vermont

Outright Vermont is a space dedicated to empowering LGBTQ+ youth in Vermont.  Find them at their website through the link above, visit their building at 241 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington, VT, 05401, or call 802-865-9677.

Pride Center of Vermont
Local Vermont organization dedicated to advancing community and the health and safety of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) Vermonters.

Trans Lifeline
A trans-led organization dedicated to improving the quality of trans lives.

Trans Youth Equality
The Trans Youth Equality Foundation provides education, advocacy and support for transgender and gender non-conforming children and youth and their families.

The Trevor Project
The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under twenty-five.

Mental Health and Crisis

Substance abuse and mental health day treatment for youth.  Assists in substance and mental health assessments and treatments.  Call 802-488-7711, visit at 1025 Airport Dr., S. Burlington, VT, or follow the link above.

Crisis Text Line
Crisis Text Line is free, 24/7 support for those in crisis. Text 741741 from anywhere in the US to text with a trained crisis counselor.

First Call/Howard Center
802-488-7777: First Call for Chittenden County serves clients and the community regardless of age or diagnosis.

Ask a Librarian

Talk to a librarian

Not seeing what you're looking for?  Even if it's not on this list, we still want to help! Send us a message through our contact form (above), email us directly at, call us at (802)846-4140, or come on in and ask at any service desk.