The Library will be closing early at 4:30pm on Tuesday, December 24th and closed on Wednesday, December 25th. Closings
Library Events Calendar/

Tech Freebies: Savings in the New Year

A blue, snowy background with that reads Tech Freebies at the Library. A piggy bank is surrounded by several app logos for free library services

Looking to revisit your budget in the new year? Tired of monthly subscription fees for dozens of streaming services? Want to take a class on something new without hurting your pocket book?

Join the South Burlington Library's Digital Specialist, Mike, in exploring the variety of free online services the library offers. Learn about how you can watch movies and shows, learn a new language, read  e-books and audiobooks, access a wealth of databases, and take online classes all for free with your library card. 

Have specific questions or online resources you want to learn about? Send an email to or call (802)-846-4140.

Registration is not required for this program. All are welcome!

The Library is ADA accessible, patrons are asked to call (802) 846-4140 in advance if special services are required.

Masks may be worn in the library and at any library program.