Library Events Calendar/

Paint a Community Mural: Making Art Together

People standing around a table painting on a large canvas

Join artist Julio Desmont and your neighbors at the library to paint a communal work of art on a large canvas. In this two-hour journey, you'll use acrylic paints to express the feeling of "Resilience" as it relates to you, your family, and our community. Ages 12 through Adult. Please register by filling out this short form.

The finished mural will be on display in the library for a month.

A Vermont-based visual artist whose journey began in his early childhood in Haiti, Julio Desmont is passionate about education and community engagement and is guided by the belief that art is a universal language that can connect and uplift people across different walks of life. See other community mural projects on his website (just keep scrolling past the bio to see images).

Resilience is a major theme from the book Gather by VT author Kenneth Cadow, the Vermont Reads selection for 2024 and a National Book Award finalist for Young People's Literature. Reading the book is not a prerequisite for mural-making!

The Library is ADA accessible, patrons are asked to call (802) 846-4140 in advance if special services are required.

Masks may be worn in the library and at any library program.