NaNoWriMo 2023 Warmup: Get ready to write your novel!

There is a novel that only you can write.
This November is the perfect time to put it on the page. Join us in the Quiet Reading Room to find out how.
National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is a month-long event in November in which people all over the world each commit to writing a 50,000-word draft of their novel in 30 days.
You “win” by writing 50,000 words in November ... in Microsoft Word, Google Docs, that beautiful blank book you’ve been saving for a special occasion, wherever you like. That’s it! What you do with your draft is entirely up to you.
Whether you have written fifteen NaNoNovels or this is your first time hearing about this improbable creative project, come to this event! Long-time NaNoWriMo participant Anne LaLonde will provide inspiration, advice, and noveling handouts.
So what will it be – Mystery? Fantasy? Romance? YA? Thriller? Historical fiction? Magical realism? Go wherever your imagination takes you.
Deadline + Community = Novel
Depending on participants’ interest and experience, at this event, we will:
- Learn about the many resources at the free NaNoWriMo website
- Talk about planning, pantsing, plantsing, and plotting
- Share tips on hitting word count goals
- Develop devious plans for exiling your Inner Editor during November
- Figure out how to explain to your loved ones that you’re “going to work on your novel” while they cook dinner, do the dishes, feed the pets, vacuum, etc. in November
- Philosophize about why anyone would write a novel in a month
- Contemplate being a NaNoRebel (memoir? screenplay? short story collection? epic poem? yes you can.)
Meanwhile, check out where you’ll be able to make a free account to find out more about the program, join fellow novelers, and update your word count in November. There is a terrific official site for young writers, too, at
But wait, there’s more! During November, join us at the South Burlington Public Library’s NaNoWriMo Write-Ins for stickers, snacks, word sprints, inspiration, and a great community of fellow novelers.
Why not join us?
What have you got to lose?
Drop-in. Ages 16+.