My Vermont Eyes: Poem - My Vermont Experiences

Dr. Jolivette invites the public to listen to the beat of recited lines and stanzas of poems accompanied by percussion with hand claps and drums. Dr. Jolivette will demonstrate and discuss her work and the migration of poetry into spoken word (and maybe song). Then participants are invited to write, speak, or share stories: What is your story? How can you best tell your story?
Learn about effective and personal storytelling from a master poet/storyteller/performer. This 90-minute participant workshop will give participants the opportunity to use their voice to express what they see daily with their VERMONT EYES.
Art materials will be provided for visual expressions as well.
Participants' writing and artwork may be displayed in the Library during the month of April as a culmination of the series.
This event will be held in the Digital Lab and the Reading Steps in front of the Young Adult Loft.
No registration is needed.
For a sample of Dr. Jolivette's reading poetry, check out this video of the Feb. 1 devotional at the Vermont Statehouse for the beginning of Black History Month. The reading runs from the beginning of the video to minute 3:36. The poems are My Migration Part 1 by Jolivette Anderson-Douoning and "Midway" by Naomi Long Madgett.