May Art Wall and Display Case

Images from the Vermont Queer Archives (Left) and a private collection of Civil Rights posters made by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (Right)
The South Burlington Public Library is proud to display original posters from the southern Civil Rights Movement on the Art Wall this May. Most of these posters (and one bumper sticker) were produced by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in support of its campaign to secure voting rights and full citizenship for Black people in the American South. They are on loan from a library patron.
Objects such as banners, T-shirts, and buttons in the Vermont Queer Archives at the Pride Center of Vermont that reflect currents and changes in the lives of Vermont’s LGBTQ+ community will be on exhibit in the Display Case this May. This collection was curated by Meg Tamulonis, the volunteer curator of the Vermont Queer Archives. On May 9th in the Community Room, Meg Tamulonis will discuss how these objects mark various milestones, from Pride events to legal rulings, and considers why some parts of the queer community aren’t well-represented in the Archives. She’ll explain why there aren’t many artifacts from the era before the Stonewall Uprising in 1969, and some of the ways we can continue to gather and learn about Vermont’s many queer histories.