Biologist and Author Joe Roman presents his new book, Eat, Poop, Die; How Animals Make Our World

Joe Roman Author Event
"If forests are the lungs of the planet, then animals migrating across oceans, streams, and mountains—eating, pooping, and dying along the way—are its heart and arteries, pumping nitrogen and phosphorus from deep-sea gorges up to mountain peaks, from the Arctic to the Caribbean. Without this conveyor belt of crucial, life-sustaining nutrients, the world would look very different."
Join us for a very special family event!
Thursday, June 27th at 5:30pm in the library auditorium.
Flying Pig Bookstore will have Joe’s books available for purchase and signing at the event!
"From the volcanoes of Iceland to the tropical waters of Hawaii, the great plains of the American heartland, and beyond, Eat, Poop, Die, “compulsively readable” (Shelby Van Pelt), takes readers on an exhilarating and enlightening global adventure, revealing the remarkable ways in which the most basic biological activities of animals make and remake the world—and how a deeper understanding of these cycles provides us with opportunities to undo the environmental damage humanity has wrought on the planet we call home."
"One of those rare books that truly changes the way you look at the world." Lucy Cooke, Scientific American
Joe Roman is a conservation biologist, marine ecologist, and editor ’n’ chef of Winner of the 2012 Rachel Carson Environment Book Award for Listed: Dispatches from America’s Endangered Species Act, Roman has written for the New York Times, Science, Audubon, New Scientist, Slate, and other publications. Like many of the animals he studies, Roman is a free-range biologist. He has worked at Harvard University, Duke University Marine Lab, University of Iceland, University of Havana, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the University of Vermont, where he is a fellow and writer in residence at the Gund Institute for Environment.