English Conversation Circle
Join library staff and volunteers for a fun and friendly conversation with other adult English learners to practice your English and make new friends.
Our English Conversation Circle meets the second and fourth Monday* (plus the occasional fifth Monday), in the Digital Lab of the South Burlington Public Library.
*Due to the observance of Indigenous People Day on Monday, October 14 we will meet on Tuesday, October 15.
On Tuesday, we will be screening the short film Blackbird (2019). A film about a young woman who is torn between two worlds: her day job cleaning planes and her dream of becoming a pilot. When she takes steps to pursue aviation, she is met with resistance, and must fight against the odds to get her wings. Come ready to watch the film together in the Digital Lab on the second floor of the library and have a discussion together afterwards. This session is open to all English language learners who would like to drop in. We hope to see you there!
Registration is not required for this program. All are welcome!
Email sbplprograms@southburlingtonvt.gov with any questions.