How to Borrow Seeds

From the Seed Library

  1. Get your membership form from the staff at the second floor Help Desk.
  2. Choose your seeds from the Seed Library card catalogs atop the low shelves of non-fiction on the second floor.  
    You can also see an INVENTORY OF OUR SEEDS online. This document has links to growing information for each type of seed. 
  3. Record the seeds you are checking out on the back of your form. If you need more space, ask for another form at the Help Desk.
  4. Return your completed form to the Help Desk.
  5. If you plan on saving some seeds at the end of the growing season, grab Seed Donation Forms from the counter behind the Seed Library. This and other handouts available there or online in our “Save Seeds!” section will help you plan and prepare for saving seeds. 

At a Seed Swap

Each year in late winter the South Burlington Library holds a seed swap open to any area gardener. The event includes a seed swap, seed giveaways, handouts on various gardening topics, and our Library of Things gardening/yard tools on display. In addition, we are usually joined by several UVM Extension Service Master Gardeners who love to talk plants and will answer gardening questions. They also present or provide in-depth information on a different topic each year. 

Go to our Event page and look around in February or March for the upcoming swap date. 

What is a seed swap?

Gardeners bring extra seeds they saved from their own garden or leftover seeds from packets they purchased. These seeds are shared at the swap. All participants can take home seeds. Direct 1-1 swaps are not required.  

Seeds MUST be non-GMO so that they grow true-to-type in successive seasons. F1 hybrids are acceptable, although they will occasionally produce some sterile seeds or not grow true. 

If you have seeds to swap or contribute, bring them in small bags or use the ones provided by the Library during the swap.  Either way, seeds must be labeled with name, variety, and the year harvested, and indicate that they are non-GMO. 

What is the safe seed pledge?