Bike Rodeo: Fun and Learning for all Ages

Join the South Burlington Parks and Recreation Department and The South Burlington Library for a free bike rodeo and bike safety check, with fun and educational activities for kids and bike and helmet fitting and safety checks for adults and kids. A bike rodeo is geared toward kids ages 5 and up to learn about biking safely. We have many different fun and educational stations planned including bike inspection, bike and helmet fitting, start/stop/go, snail race, scanning for cars, and more! Each station is tailored to a skill that cyclists must have: stopping at stop signs, balance, safely looking behind for cars, and others. The first hundred kids will receive an event give-away!
For bike safety checks, we have a mechanic from the local Eastern Mountain Sports bike shop doing FREE bicycle safety checks! This is primarily for adults, but kids' bikes are welcome too, if accompanied by an adult. Find out what needs adjusting or replacing, and get a few tips on keeping your bike in good working order. Appointments are 15 minutes long. Registration for bike safety check time slots
is required. Sign up on the Parks and Rec. calendar.
The bike rodeo will take place behind the Library in the Rick Marcotte Central School parking lot.
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