The South Burlington Library will be closed on Wednesday, March 12th for Staff Training Closings
Library Events Calendar/

Beneath Our Skin: COVID-19 Vaccination Storytelling & Art Exhibit

Beneath Our Skin: A Covid-19 Vaccination Storytelling and Art Exhibit

Beneath Our Skin Flyer produced by Clemmons Family Farm

The Clemmons Family Farm exhibit titled Beneath Our Skin: COVID-19 Vaccination Storytelling & Art Exhibit* will be on display until May 10th.

This exhibit showcases the artistic reflections and stories of African American/African diasporan residents of Vermont during the 2021 COVID-19 vaccination roll-out. This body of work illustrates the spectrum of emotions that were felt by Black-identifying Vermonters during this incredibly challenging time: from shock, fear, confusion and loneliness to hope, joy, and celebration of a ‘new normal’. Additionally, this work shares the stories of three of Vermont's white healthcare providers, who administered the vaccine to Black Vermonters. For more information about this exhibit, please visit:

*Clemmons Family Farm's Beneath Our Skin: COVID-19 Vaccination Storytelling & Art Exhibit is presented through a partnership between the Clemmons Family Farm and South Burlington Public Library, and is made possible, in part, with major funding of the Vermont Department of Health

The Library is ADA accessible, patrons are asked to call (802) 846-4140 in advance if special services are required.

Masks may be worn in the library and at any library program.