Beneath Our Skin: COVID-19 Vaccination Storytelling & Art Exhibit

Beneath Our Skin Flyer produced by Clemmons Family Farm
The Clemmons Family Farm exhibit titled Beneath Our Skin: COVID-19 Vaccination Storytelling & Art Exhibit* will be on display until May 10th.
This exhibit showcases the artistic reflections and stories of African American/African diasporan residents of Vermont during the 2021 COVID-19 vaccination roll-out. This body of work illustrates the spectrum of emotions that were felt by Black-identifying Vermonters during this incredibly challenging time: from shock, fear, confusion and loneliness to hope, joy, and celebration of a ‘new normal’. Additionally, this work shares the stories of three of Vermont's white healthcare providers, who administered the vaccine to Black Vermonters. For more information about this exhibit, please visit:
*Clemmons Family Farm's Beneath Our Skin: COVID-19 Vaccination Storytelling & Art Exhibit is presented through a partnership between the Clemmons Family Farm and South Burlington Public Library, and is made possible, in part, with major funding of the Vermont Department of Health