Many of you know about the Vermont Humanities Council (VHC) through our collaborations with them over time. They have brought experts to the Library to talk about composers, wars distant and near, literature, Frederick Douglass and most recently, the Iditarod. They offer the libraries in Vermont a speaker’s bureau, book sets for discussions, Vermont Reads selections, grants for in-depth series and general support for the inclusion of humanities collections and programs. The Council also offers an affordable, in-depth, topical conference annually that is open to the public. Their tag line sums it up: Because Ideas Matter.
Libraries around the state vie to host the VHC First Wednesday series. These public presentations, coordinated with the Department of Libraries and local libraries that have access to large venues, highlight well-known speakers on a variety of topics.
Through May 15, the VHC will present these First Wednesday talks online, M-F at 7:00 p.m. To view or hear these online presentations, search in Facebook for VermontHumanities or click here at 7:00 p.m. You will be prompted to log in to Facebook or create an account, but you can also click on Not Now to get directly to the posting for the talk.
Additionally, you can go to Facebook Watch to see all additional VHC online video and audio.
Friday, March 27 - A reading by poet Richard Blanco. Mr. Blanco will answer questions on Facebook after the broadcast.
Monday, March – Celebrating E.B. White
Tuesday, March 31 - Daybreak Express: Duke Ellington’s Train-Inspired Compositions
(Or listen on the VHC Portable Humanist podcast)
Wednesday, April 1 - Storytelling for Public Health
Thursday, April 2 - The Genealogy of Happiness: From Aristotle to Positive Psychology
Sign up to attend this event via Zoom (limit 15 participants)
Friday April 3 - How to Love a Country