Ready to buy or change plans for 2020 on Vermont Health Connect? Open enrollment is here, beginning November 1 and ending December 15, 2019.
Choosing the right health insurance plan can be a daunting task, but have no fear your Librarians are here! Below we’ve listed some great resources that hopefully answer your questions, help you shop and compare plans, and help you find the right person when you need more assistance.
Vermont Health Connect
This is the main website that you will use to choose and purchase a plan for the 2020 year.
Vermont Law Help
Legal Services Vermont and Vermont Legal Aid have put together a great website with easy to read questions and answers to understand all the basics. They also make it easy to find real people to connect with via the phone or by filling out a Help Request Form.
Vermont Health Connect 2020 Plan Comparison Tool
Watch a tutorial video and then proceed to use the plan comparison tool to make informed choices.
Health Insurance Jargon Glossary
A glossary guide for navigating all the health insurance jargon.
Consumer Reports
Search “health insurance” to find buying guides, relevant articles, and educational videos.