Did you know that you can sign up for VT scam alerts to come to you by email, SMS or phone? The Consumer Assistance Program, which is a collaboration between UVM and the VT Attorney General’s Office offers this service plus advice for the public in resolving issues with businesses as well as avoiding scams.
Here’s the website - https://www.uvm.edu/consumer
To sign up for the SCAM ALERTS fill in the form here - https://www.uvm.edu/consumer/forms/sign-scam-alerts
There are many sites out there that give advice on avoiding scams, but here’s a good (if basic) list of suggestions from the Federal Trade Commission - https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0060-10-things-you-can-do-avoid-fraud and a recent article in PC World gives good step-by-step instructions for protecting your home computer - https://www.pcworld.com/article/3398647/how-to-protect-yourself-from-online-scams-including-ransomware-and-more.html
Stay safe on the web!