Volunteer Spotlight: Repair Volunteers!

From L-R: Sandy Dupuis, Sue Moll, Marilee Kelly, David Ryan
Meet our repair volunteers!
These wonderful people work hard behind the scenes to keep library materials on the shelves. Whether it’s gluing bindings, repairing tears, or re-covering books; or buffing DVD’s and CD’s or replacing broken cases, we couldn’t do it without them. Here’s a little more about them:
Sandy has been a library volunteer for about 1 1/2 years. “I had been going to the library regularly to get books for my grandsons and decided that I wanted to do something to help out at the library. Before I retired, I was an engineer first at IBM and then at Global Foundries. Now that I am retired I watch my two grandsons at least one day a week. They are 5 and 7 years old and lots of fun. I am taking a Spanish class. I enjoy riding my bike, especially with my friends in GMBC (Green Mountain Bike Club). Group bike rides are so much fun! I work one morning a week at Shelburne Bay Senior Living as a server. I have a wonderful family that I so enjoy being with. My husband Mark, my daughter Stacey and my son Joe, a son in law and two grandsons. My daughter Stacey, her husband Matthew and the two grandsons live on Matthew's family farm. It is so interesting to visit and see a real farm in action.”
Sue is in her 3rd year of volunteering here. “Volunteering has always been a part of my life beginning at my local library in 6th or 7th grade when I was in love with Nancy Drew and Cherry Ames, Nurse. I like to hold a real book in my hands and enjoy the quiet, calm atmosphere of a library, so what better way to give back. Before retiring, I worked in Medicine and Music. I was a medical technologist specializing in blood banking. I was also a harpist, having turned an avocation into a profession. I enjoy hiking, reading, playing bocce and Mah Jongg, and spending time with family and good friends. It's wonderful to participate in my children and grandchildren's lives, to watch their activities, to see them grow and thrive. I am truly grateful every single day that my husband and I moved from PA to VT after retirement. I love it here!”
Marilee has volunteered at the library for two years since moving to Vermont. “I volunteered because I love libraries and books and I saw this was a great library! Before retiring, I was a teacher and administrator for preschool deaf and hard of hearing children. At home I like to quilt, read, do house projects and I also work out at a gym (but don’t like that very much). The wonderful parts of my life are my grandchildren, my sister and brother, and my great dog!”
David started volunteering about 2 years ago. “I have always loved libraries and have great appreciation of them especially in light of recent book banning incidents in other parts of the US. Pre retirement was spent in two areas: special education and senior services. From May-October I work as a guide at Shelburne Museum which I have done for 20 years. In my spare time I enjoy long walks, time with friends, family, just being in VT (I grew up in Mississippi.)”
Please note that we have no volunteer vacancies at this time. Keep an eye on our website for updates!